BELIEVE: God’s Word Cannot Fail

Written by Vianne Satterfield

Luke 1:37 “For no word from God will ever fail.”

Luke 1:45 “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”

I have been mulling over the Virgin Mary’s faith-filled response to Gabriel, the angel that foretold the birth of Jesus. The story of this birth announcement is found in Luke 1:26-56, and it contains remarkable faith for an impossible situation. Mary is told she will conceive and give birth to a son, whom she is to call Jesus; yet she is a virgin. Mary initially responds with fear then asked the angel to clarify how she could become pregnant. Gabriel tells her the process of this miraculous conception and tells her about her old relative, Elizabeth, who is no longer barren, and preparing to give birth soon. The angel tells Mary of God’s unfailing word. God keeps His promises, even when it looks impossible.

Mary accepts the announcement of Jesus’ birth with humility, trust, faith, obedience and worship. She doesn’t overthink or doubt what the angel tells her. She knows who she is and trusts the word of the Lord. Her response is, “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:38) Mary demonstrates a willingness to serve and to trust with child-like faith. It is no wonder that Mary is described as “highly favored.” God knew who to choose to help fulfill His glorious plan!

How cool it is that God gave Mary and Elizabeth common experiences to share for support and encouragement. They both experienced miraculous encounters and they both carried sons that had specific God-ordained destinies. Mary and Elizabeth did not have to walk their journeys alone; they encouraged one another, celebrated and worshiped God together. Their interactions confirmed the presence of the Holy Spirit and the blessings of believing God.

My prayer for followers of Christ is that we would be found highly favored by God because we are humble, willing to obey, and believe God’s Word, trusting Him to fulfill His promises to us. I pray we would not doubt God, and would accept our God-given assignments with child-like faith, knowing our identity and security is found in Christ. I pray we would be willing to give and receive encouragement from like-minded ones on our faith journey. I pray we would believe God for the impossible and know He specializes in working miracles, creating all things out of nothing, and making a way where there seems to be no way.

What promises have God given to you? I encourage you to believe God to fulfill every promise, especially when it seems impossible. Remember: Nothing is impossible with God. What assignment have you received? Trust Him today that He will enable and empower you to serve Him fully. Be blessed as you believe God’s word and promises.

6 replies on “BELIEVE: God’s Word Cannot Fail”

  1. Thank you Vianne.
    We can all learn from Mary to trust God with child-like faith.

  2. I used this today as my devotion and the question is “What is my assignment?” Something to always be aware of and hopefully fulfill.

    1. Barbara, knowing our God-given assignment and acting in faith towards accepting it, is part of our walk with God. I am thankful for the years of partnering with you in prayer for others. Blessings to you!

  3. I love this article. I can’t begin to imagine in that era of time the experience Mary had with Gabriel. Talk about faith! And how much easier for us to listen to God and follow that example. What a role model she was. As a strong pro-life advocate, I also love the story because Elizabeth and Mary are pregnant and the baby leapt with joy in her womb. Talk about life in utero. Our Lord set the example that life begins at conception!

    1. Laurel,
      Yes! This story is chock full of cool insights about faith and life given by God. Thanks for sharing about life beginning at conception. A true miracle indeed.

  4. Mary—what an example to me to simply take God at His word. When I overthink what He has clearly said, I can talk myself into doubt, and miss a great blessing!

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