Climbing Mount Everest

I participate in a healthy weight program that provides education, support and accountability through health coaches and like-minded group members. My group coach provides creative challenges that serve to motivate me to accomplish my health and wellness goals.

One weekend, the group was given the challenge to “climb” Mount Everest. The goal was to climb to an elevation of 29,029 feet, which equaled 58,070 steps. I accepted the challenge along with a dozen other group members. I thought, “How can I walk that many steps?” At the time, my average daily step count was under 3000 steps, so the task seemed daunting to me, however, I decided to join the challenge.

Climbing Mount Everest, as a part of a group effort, made it doable. (I didn’t really climb that mountain, although the hill on Marneil Drive is pretty steep!) I felt motivated to get my steps done because I wanted to contribute to the team’s effort of reaching over 58,000 steps for the weekend. The group members live around the globe and we were in this challenge together, giving step-count updates throughout the weekend and encouraging one another to keep climbing to meet our goal.

My contribution was a mere 4% of the grand total. Someone actually recorded over 15,000 steps in one day. How does one walk 7 1/2 miles in one day?! One step at a time, I guess. Others, like myself, recorded under 10,000 steps for the three days. As a group, we climbed 194,761 steps in three days! Unbelievable! But we worked together, as a team. I walked more steps that I thought I could, and it has served as an ongoing motivation to keep climbing “mountains” to meet my health and wellness goals. Now my daily step count has nearly doubled since participating in this challenge nearly two months ago.

It was an exhilarating experience because I partnered with people worldwide to contribute towards one purpose, and as a result of working together, we exceeded our goal. In the words of Helen Keller, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

This worldwide team effort reminds me of what The Church, or the body of Christ, is supposed to be — united, working together, encouraging one another towards maturity in our walks with Christ, and sharing the good news of Jesus with the world.

The Apostle Paul exhorts the Christians in Ephesus, “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” Ephesians 4:1-6

The Psalmist writes, “How good and pleasant it us when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalm 133:1

Let’s not give up on unity within the body of Christ. Remember, as followers of Christ, we have peace with God. This peace glues us together. We belong together as we follow Christ and have access to Holy Spirit’s empowerment because He dwells within us. We have hope because of Christ’s life and look forward to eternal life with Him. I pray we would be true representatives of a united Church that works together and not against each other. I pray we would be true representatives that encourage and bear with one another, build up one another instead of tearing down one another. I pray we would keep sharing our Jesus stories with the world so that His name may endure forever and his fame continue throughout all ages. AMEN.

4 replies on “Climbing Mount Everest”

  1. Vianne,
    The Mt. Everest story is very interesting. Taking one step at a time can accomplish much.
    Thank you for sharing Ps. 133-1 there needs to be more unity in families and the world.

    1. Joan,
      Taking one step at a time is an important part of achieving unity as well. Often when seeking unity within families, it requires a willingness to be the first one to step towards a family member experiencing conflict or disagreement. We just need God in every facet of our lives. He gives us the courage to take each step.

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