Ever-Present Help

In the places of vulnerability and weakness, I find strength, hope and help within the truth of God’s Word and His presence. If I didn’t have a need, would I turn to God and if I didn’t turn to Him where would I find strength, hope and peace? The trials, suffering and weakness serve a purpose — it causes me to seek comfort, hope and healing, which I can always find through relationship with God. That has been my experience. Whatever the need, God is able to provide it. My job is to trust Him and watch what He will do to answer. God has supplied me with wisdom, understanding, counsel, insight, knowledge, revelation to know how to pray and what to say or do, comfort, and help. When I need help, I turn to God to supply it because He is faithful, trustworthy and able. He will not fail.

Psalm 46:1-2a says “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear. . “ We can find protection and safety in God. Relying upon Him to be your strength requires humility. You have to admit that you cannot solve it on your own or that you are powerless to handle the problem. It requires trusting God to listen, hear and give you wisdom or whatever is needed.

The world is experiencing much trouble in these days, yet God is our refuge and strength. We can have hope that God’s presence is available and here, even in the midst of suffering, stress, inconvenience, economic challenge, loss and confusion.

So lean into this place of finding your refuge and strength in a mighty God that is ever-present to help us now.

4 replies on “Ever-Present Help”

    1. I have experienced God’s Presence. It is real! God’s not dead, He’s surely alive!

    1. Kevin, I am glad that the truth of God’s Presence ministered to you.

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