Finding My Identity in Christ

I found a poem I wrote in 1992 about returning to the Lord, and it reminded me of the traumatic events I experienced that year. I used to describe it as “my year from hell,” as there were several circumstances that caused distress and discouragement, such as two auto accidents within a month, being victimized by having my identity stolen, my mom nearly died from heart failure, unemployment, and being in an abusive, ungodly romantic relationship. Stressful situations can be difficult to manage, especially without the guidance and support of a relationship with God. Fortunately, with the help of a few trusted friends whom guided me to God’s truth about who I am in Christ, I confessed, repented and turned back to God. I then broke off the abusive, ungodly relationship. I still had stressors and difficulties but I faced it with God’s help. Perhaps a new understanding of 1992 could be “The Year I Returned to Loving God,” rather than “My Year from H E Double Toothpicks!”

This year, 2020, has been quite challenging too. For many, this year represents challenges surrounding health, finances, and community-connections all made difficult through COVID-19, the recommendations of social restrictions, racial tensions, and trauma from natural and man-initiated events. Perhaps we can find the silver lining in this year despite its outcome. Maybe this could be your year of relying on God. For me, I am learning new things and trusting God to lead me into new territories of new assignments. It has taken courage and faith in what I am hearing from the Lord as I seek Him to guide me in writing, blogging and pursuing meaningful work.

As a result of the new things God is leading me towards, I am again reminded of who I am in Christ. Focusing anew on God’s Truth, His Word, helps to renew my mind and it encourages me to take steps of faith. Perhaps you too can benefit from seeing yourself from God’s perspective. I call these my affirmations, as they affirm my identity in Christ, empower me to walk with confidence and enable me to trust God more fully. I say these Biblically-based affirmations aloud or I will listen to me speaking them on a recording that I keep on my smartphone. Either way, God’s truth gets inside my brain and creates new places of trust as I believe His Word as truth.

Here are some of my affirmations: I belong to God and am dearly loved. I am accepted by Christ, united with Him. I am chosen and called out of darkness into light. I am His workmanship, created for good works and I have a God-given purpose. I am renewed and made holy because of Christ’s righteousness. I am forgiven and not condemned. I am being transformed by renewing my mind. I have a spirit of power, love and self-discipline. I am blessed with every spiritual blessing. I have hope because Christ dwells within me. He enables, empowers and equips me for each challenge set before me. I am given provision for my needs. I am built up in Christ, and He will complete His work in me. I have abundant grace from Christ — He is enough! I walk with confidence to approach God’s presence. I have the mind of Christ and can do all things through Him who strengthens me. I am equipped and prepared by God to do _____ that He has prepared in advance for me to do.

These affirmations are based upon the promises of God. They can be yours too as you trust, believe God and allow His grace to transform you.

What are your favorite promises of God and how has it transformed you? I would love to hear from you. Share in the comments.

4 replies on “Finding My Identity in Christ”

  1. Vianne,
    I am so thankful that Jesus has given me eternal ( Heb. 9-15) and I thank Him for His peace, joy, hope, healing and so much more.
    Love & blessings,

  2. Hi Vianne
    I love this post. This is so awesome. God has been dealing with me about some things and as I go through my challenge I to start remembering his promises and speak them out loud to remind me he is my creator and he is in control of all things. Nothing is a surprise to him. I am happy (joyful) because he has never left nor forsaken me.
    Love this stay encourage and love how the Lord is using the gifts he placed in you. I am so encouraged.
    Thank you for sharing 😁

    1. Denise,
      Thank you for taking the time to share your experience! It IS a comfort that NOTHING is a surprise to God. I too am thankful for His faithfulness.

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