Give Thanks in All Circumstances

I Thessalonians 5:18 “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

I miss the familiar faces and places of my simple life. Yet I give thanks for all God has done.

I miss my church. I have been praying with and for the church through Zoom or attending virtual life groups during the pandemic. I have been engaging with online worship services and it’s been wonderful to connect with the pastoral staff and worship team of my church through various social media apps. I am thankful for the available technology to do this.

I miss my Sunday morning life group, chatting with new friends as we eat yummy breakfast treats, before we find our favorite seat in the new “room.” My church recently completed a remodeling project that includes beautiful furnishings in the widened hallways and an updated sound and light system in the stadium-seating worship center. It’s a beautiful place to worship and gather. Last Sunday evening, my husband and I drove to familiar places that we have not visited in 8 weeks, including our church. Yup. We drove around the parking lot, just because I miss my church! šŸ™‚ I am thankful for the sense of belonging I experience with the people of Mount Paran North.

I miss gathering with my prayer group. We would connect, sing a few worship songs, ask for guidance in our time of Scripture meditation, and pray for one another and the body of Christ. We felt refreshed after spending quality time together in prayer and fellowship. We have been meeting via Zoom, and one new person has joined us! I am thankful for the opportunity to serve and love God with these people.

I miss meeting with friends at Folk’s restaurant after church. We would chat about our lives, our travel plans, and order a vegetable plate. I miss catching up with the servers, Dylan, Christina, Kennedy and Debbie. They knew what we would order and bring Rick’s “salad dressing” (Texas Pete) to the table, as soon as we arrived. I am thankful for the memories of shared friendship.

I miss walking at local parks. I have been walking in and around my neighborhood and have enjoyed companionship with my husband and getting better acquainted with neighbors. I am thankful for the freedom to exercise outdoors.

I miss getting together with family for the day to celebrate special occasions and to play Domino’s. I miss meeting friends for lunch to chat about life and discuss books we are reading. I am thankful for text messages, pictures to share and talking on the phone or by Zoom.

I miss my chiropractor and his office manager. His office has been closed for several weeks and is reopening soon. I am looking forward to receiving a much-needed adjustment for my off-kilter sacroiliac joint and neck. My spine needs a tune-up! I am thankful for the self-discipline to do strengthening exercises.

Despite the change, uncertainty and losses associated with the pandemic, I am thankful for God’s goodness and provision, His faithful love and care, and the hope of the development of effective treatments and a vaccine to help eradicate COVID-19, so that we can safely gather together again with friends and family without fear of spreading disease.

What are you thankful for in these circumstances?

2 replies on “Give Thanks in All Circumstances”

  1. Hi Vianne,

    I am thankful that I can read what you are thankful for it helps me to create that type of atmosphere here where I am. Thankfulness is contagious and I certainly want to catch it. God Bless you.

  2. Vianne,
    Something that you would speak on the subject of missing family’ friends and places. I just got off the phone with my granddaughter Ashley and we were speaking on the same subject. Thank you for the reminder of 1st Thess. Be thankful in all circumstances.

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