God’s Presence Comforts

“I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your Presence!” Psalm 139:7

I know God and experience His Presence as I pray and meditate on Him, and His Word. When I focus my attention upon His Presence and His love, fear goes away. His love washes over me, cleanses me and sets me free. His Presence satisfies my hunger and thirst for relationship and connection with God. Emmanuel means “God with us.” He doesn’t leave. He is constant and abides within me.

When loneliness or fear attempts to dominate, all I need to do is to fix my eyes on Jesus and visualize Him in a rocking chair and I imagine myself as a youngster crawling into His lap. I fix my eyes onto His loving face — all fear melts away — there is such love. I John 4:18 says, “Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear.”

God’s love is perfect. It meets every need. Experiencing God’s Presence makes me alright — it refreshes, renews, comforts and gives hope. I breathe in His Presence and thank Him for His amazing love that comforts me.

6 replies on “God’s Presence Comforts”

  1. I love to read about God’s presence first thing in the morning. That is what I just did on your blog. To invite him to be with me all day. Thanks

    1. God’s presence is real because He is alive! I’m thankful for the reality of His presence all day long.

  2. God continual Presence if what I needed to hear this morning. Clark is making quick trip to Douglas GA sometime today, coming back tomorrow, and the fear of travel is being replaced with “God’s presence will be with him” every mile of the journey.

    1. When we focus and believe on God’s promises and His provision for whatever we need, there is peace. I am thankful you found the post meaningful and applicable to your life.

  3. Each morning I go before the Lord and ask what His will is for me. I praise God for His love His presence and so much more. We serve an awesome God.

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