Identity Crisis?

At restaurants I call myself “Grace,” instead of using my real name, “Vianne,” because it’s easier to pronounce for most people.

Sometimes people express an interest in my name, as most people have never met a Vianne, so I explain how I got my name. I was named after my two grandmothers, Vi is for Violet, and Anne is for Anna. Sometimes I say, “It’s like Diane, only with a V.” For some reason, people hear “V” so they’ll call me “VeeAnn,” or “Vivian,” or “Diane.”

So at times I will assign me as “Grace,” as I sure need more grace when others mispronounce or misspell my name!

The name Anne actually means gracious or bearing grace. I have received much grace from God. I can give grace because I have received it in abundance.

I am not having an identity crisis. I am rediscovering my identity in Christ — I am someone who is filled to an overflowing abundance with GRACE, because the Spirit of God lives inside of me.

I am thankful that God knows my name. The Scripture in Isaiah 43:1 confirms it. “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.”

6 replies on “Identity Crisis?”

  1. So glad to see this up and going. Know it is going to be a blessing to all who encounter it. Grace to you.

  2. I am so proud of you stepping out into this new adventure. You will bless others for sure because you have often blessed me by a word of encouragement.

  3. Great blog, Vianne! And I know what you mean about the name. Donita isn’t so common, either, and it has no real significance except a neighbor girl had it and my parents liked it. But God knows me and loves me, and that’s what matters.

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