My Why

I have experienced renewal and hope through my relationship with God and I wanted a way to share it, so more people might receive encouragement through an encounter with God.

I meditate on Scripture (God’s Word) and write what God shows me. I call these “words of encouragement,” as applying God’s Word “prepares and equips his people to do every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:17)

God is leading me through a process of receiving more of His love, grace and truth, in what I have called “adventures with the Holy Spirit,” because I am trusting Him as He guides me through prayer, counseling and writing about these encounters in my journal.

It is this journey of renewed hope that I intend to blog, as a way to steward well what has been entrusted to me. I am certain that God’s amazing love and His steadfast Presence is enough to bring breakthrough when you have come to a breaking point in your life.

God did it for me, He is able to do it for you.

My prayer is that many would receive hope and encouragement as you read my journey and that it would lead you to transformative encounters of new places of trust and obedience within a relationship with God.

2 replies on “My Why”

  1. Hope and encouragement is exactly what we all need. Thank you for sharing your life (what our Father is saying to you and doing through you) with those of us who need the spiritual refreshing that comes only from God’s Word.

    1. Thank you Deborah for affirming that God’s Word brings life, hope and encouragement. Indeed, we all need it.

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