Thirst Quencher

Psalm 42:1-2 “As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. . . . .”

Matthew 5:6 “God blesses those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.”

The other evening, my husband and I walked 2.5 miles, and I experienced great thirst. Every step of the way home, I thought about the strawberry lemonade and coconut water that was waiting for me in the refrigerator. I could picture it in my mind and knew that soon I would be refreshed and my thirst would be quenched.

This experience reminded me of the longing for connection with God and how being in a relationship with Him by the power of the Holy Spirit, brings complete satisfaction and joy, especially when spiritually hungry or thirsty. Sometimes when I have been in a spiritual “desert or wilderness,” I have spiritual dryness especially when I miss practicing His Presence consistently or when I strive to please Him. More and more I am discovering and rediscovering that true spiritual satisfaction comes from being in God’s Presence and less from doing something for God.

There is satisfaction and fulfillment when I “eat” or meditate on God’s Word and “drink” from the well of Holy Spirit, as I sit in His Presence, whether in prayer or meditation on Scripture or singing worship songs. Perhaps my natural experience of being thirsty and dehydrated correlates to my spiritual need to drink living water, by engaging in spirit to Spirit connection, through prayer with and to Holy Spirit.

When I am physically dehydrated, I feel thirsty, weak and I have no energy. If the dehydration is severe, it can result in fainting, vomiting, seizure activity and electrolyte imbalance. Just as I need to regularly and consistently drink water daily, I also need spiritual refreshment and hydration through consistent communication with Holy Spirit. Keeping well hydrated in the spiritual sense keeps a good balance and keeps me in tune with Holy Spirit, which helps me function well and not be faint spiritually.

Communicating and connecting with Holy Spirit is vital. Without this regular connection, I could die spiritually and lose power. My power source comes from being in His Presence and time spent communing with Holy Spirit.

Sometimes I need more water when I am exercising in hot and dry conditions or when my body is fighting an infection or is ill in some way. Likewise, drinking from the well of Holy Spirit is a form of spiritual warfare as this is a weapon to help me in the battle.

God’s Word + Holy Spirit connection = true satisfaction and empowered living. This is key for the ongoing cultivation of a growing relationship with God.

What’s your spiritual thirst quencher?

Give Thanks in All Circumstances

I Thessalonians 5:18 “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

I miss the familiar faces and places of my simple life. Yet I give thanks for all God has done.

I miss my church. I have been praying with and for the church through Zoom or attending virtual life groups during the pandemic. I have been engaging with online worship services and it’s been wonderful to connect with the pastoral staff and worship team of my church through various social media apps. I am thankful for the available technology to do this.

I miss my Sunday morning life group, chatting with new friends as we eat yummy breakfast treats, before we find our favorite seat in the new “room.” My church recently completed a remodeling project that includes beautiful furnishings in the widened hallways and an updated sound and light system in the stadium-seating worship center. It’s a beautiful place to worship and gather. Last Sunday evening, my husband and I drove to familiar places that we have not visited in 8 weeks, including our church. Yup. We drove around the parking lot, just because I miss my church! 🙂 I am thankful for the sense of belonging I experience with the people of Mount Paran North.

I miss gathering with my prayer group. We would connect, sing a few worship songs, ask for guidance in our time of Scripture meditation, and pray for one another and the body of Christ. We felt refreshed after spending quality time together in prayer and fellowship. We have been meeting via Zoom, and one new person has joined us! I am thankful for the opportunity to serve and love God with these people.

I miss meeting with friends at Folk’s restaurant after church. We would chat about our lives, our travel plans, and order a vegetable plate. I miss catching up with the servers, Dylan, Christina, Kennedy and Debbie. They knew what we would order and bring Rick’s “salad dressing” (Texas Pete) to the table, as soon as we arrived. I am thankful for the memories of shared friendship.

I miss walking at local parks. I have been walking in and around my neighborhood and have enjoyed companionship with my husband and getting better acquainted with neighbors. I am thankful for the freedom to exercise outdoors.

I miss getting together with family for the day to celebrate special occasions and to play Domino’s. I miss meeting friends for lunch to chat about life and discuss books we are reading. I am thankful for text messages, pictures to share and talking on the phone or by Zoom.

I miss my chiropractor and his office manager. His office has been closed for several weeks and is reopening soon. I am looking forward to receiving a much-needed adjustment for my off-kilter sacroiliac joint and neck. My spine needs a tune-up! I am thankful for the self-discipline to do strengthening exercises.

Despite the change, uncertainty and losses associated with the pandemic, I am thankful for God’s goodness and provision, His faithful love and care, and the hope of the development of effective treatments and a vaccine to help eradicate COVID-19, so that we can safely gather together again with friends and family without fear of spreading disease.

What are you thankful for in these circumstances?

Trust and Worship God in the Battle

2 Chronicles 20:20 “Early in the morning they left for the Desert of Tekoa. As they set out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.”

2 Chronicles 20:1-30 describe how King Jehoshaphat responded to the threat of a vast enemy and as a result how God defeated the enemy in an unconventional way — through worship. This story depicts their complete trust and confidence in God by their humility, prayer, fasting, praise and worship, and by following His strategy, God defeated the enemy and they won the battle.

As I meditated on this story, I identified dozens of prayer points, as it is rich with wisdom and truth that can be applied to our own lives. First of all, Jehoshaphat and his people acknowledged their powerlessness and need by humbling themselves, asking for God’s help in prayer and fasting. They recognized God as mighty and powerful and reminded God of His promises to them. They looked to God for guidance.

Secondly, they listened and trusted the strategies given to them were God-ordained. They didn’t doubt, question, wonder or fret about the strategy. They trusted in God’s ways and they had faith in God to deliver them from their enemy before it arrived. They walked in faith and had courage to face the enemy while they expected God’s presence (only because God told them He would go with them.) They believed God, His Word and acted upon it in faith.

Thirdly, they worshiped and praised God enthusiastically, with a loud voice. This prepared them to face the enemy with courage. They marched toward the enemy with singers that sang songs and praised the Lord, then they gave thanks to the Lord for his enduring love.

They had not even seen the enemy yet. They didn’t talk about the enemy or how the enemy would limit, stop, harass, or oppress them. Nope. They didn’t do any of that because their eyes were turned to God! Their response to the threat of this enemy was to turn to God, pray, fast, trust, believe, praise, give thanks and worship. THAT is how their enemy was defeated. They didn’t rely upon their own resources or own strength.

They believed that the battle was God’s battle and He would see them through. They took their positions and believed God’s Word and worshiped Him. Scripture tells us that as they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the enemy, and the enemy was defeated.

When our eyes are turned to God, our response is to worship Him for Who he is and for His enduring love. God’s strategies for battle may be unconventional yet very powerful as we trust Him and His ways.

I don’t know what battle you are facing today or will be facing tomorrow. I do know this: God is worthy of our trust and praise. Look to Him. Have faith that God will bring deliverance before you see it. And worship Him for who He is. He is holy, just, good, righteous, faithful, loving, gracious, compassionate, mighty and powerful.

Watch and see what He will do, as you trust and worship Him.