Cultivate Your Garden

Written by Vianne Satterfield

John 15:5, 8 – 9 (AMP)

I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for (otherwise) apart from Me (that is, cut off from vital union with Me) you can do nothing. . . . My Father is glorified and honored by this, when you bear much fruit, and prove yourselves to be My (true) disciples. I have loved you just as the Father has loved Me; remain in My love (and do not doubt My love for you.)”

My husband and I planted yellow squash, cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes and strawberries in early Spring, with the hope of enjoying fresh vegetables and fruit throughout the Summer months. I do not have a “green thumb” but decided to experiment with planting a garden in big pots (as the high cost of lumber made it too expensive for a raised garden bed). I am enjoying fresh produce from my own backyard! It is amazing to me that the plants are growing and producing several times a week. We have learned ways of cultivating the garden and helping it to grow and produce good fruit or vegetables. Here are some spiritual parallels that I have learned along the way too, which I would like to share.

The plants need good soil with fertilizer, access to sunlight and consistent watering. My husband installed a drip irrigation system so that each pot gets a measured amount of water consistently. Be sure there are no kinks in your hose that can stop the flow of water. We can have “spiritual kinks” that stop the flow of the Spirit too. Is there something or a situation that has you “bent out of shape?” Take it to the Lord in prayer to resolve it so the flow can be restored.

As the plant produces more vegetables, it needed more water. So it is with our spiritual garden — we need to be planted in a good environment with regular access to the SONLIGHT of connection with Jesus, the Light of the world, and with the Holy Spirit, drinking in the Living water — especially as we are producing fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP) “But the fruit of the Spirit (the result of His presence within us) is love (unselfish concern for others), joy, (inner) peace, patience (not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

Over time, each plant has grown and needed some kind of support. The cucumber needed a special trellis so that the vine could attach itself to something to help it grow. The other plants needed stakes or a metal cage to help contain and support it.

We all need support from time to time. We need community. We are not made to do the Christian life alone! Hebrews 10:24-25 (AMP) “And let us consider (thoughtfully) how we may encourage one another to love and to do good deeds, not forsaking our meeting together (as believers for worship and instruction), as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more (faithfully) as you see the day (of Christ’s return) approaching.” We can find support through a variety of small groups within churches or within our community, or through friendships. We can even find community within larger groups such as social media. There is a group for just about every kind of need or want. Be intentional about finding community and be supportive within a like-minded group.

I have appreciated support from new and “old” friends through my church, my life group, my colleagues, my family members and even Facebook. I recently learned of the terminal illness of my beloved cat, Chazzy Boy, and through Facebook, I could instantly share with many people asking for their prayer support for us. I have been priviledged to have the opportunity to pray with dozens of people through the Prophetic Heart Healing mentorship program these past several weeks. I have interceded, facilitated and received during these special prayer times, that offer so much hope, healing and breakthrough. I found community and new friends within this mentorship program and I am profoundly grateful for being able to participate, learn and grow through this group. These people have become very dear to me as we share common experiences together.

I have to wait patiently for the plants to produce. Each day I will check the garden to see the progress. I am still waiting on the green peppers to turn yellow or orange, as I cannot eat green peppers without digestive issues! Sometimes there are problems or disease that form on the plants that may stop it from producing as it should. The cucumber plant has some kind of “dust” on its leaves that have required a spray remedy. My husband has done a great job of researching to learn about and apply the remedy, so that the plant can be healthy. So too, our spiritual garden may need remedies to help it become healthy when we get sick or infected — whether it be physically, emotionally or spiritually. Sometimes we need the support of a trained professional such as a counselor or a prayer minister to help us receive emotional and spiritual health. Engaging in regular prayer with the Lord helps to alleviate and may even prevent sickness as we present our cares to our loving Lord. Often we need to wait patiently for answers to prayer and know that God’s timing is always best!

At some point, every garden needs to be weeded — to rid it of the dead or dying leaves or roots. Just as weeds suck the life out of a plant, unconfessed sin and unforgiveness can suck the life out of you; your relationships will suffer if you allow spiritual “weeds” to take over your spiritual garden. This is true for both vertical (you and God) and horizontal relationships. Scripture is clear as we are encouraged to ask God to search our hearts to see if there is anything that is offensive to the Lord. (Psalm 139:23-24 NIV) Get in the habit of regularly asking the Lord if there is anything that is offensive to Him — in your thoughts, your actions, your attitudes. Let Him show you and ask for His forgiveness. Allow Him to clean your heart and renew your mind. Let Jesus remove the dead places in your spiritual garden so that life can flow again. Let Jesus uproot bitterness, resentment and anything else that is not of Him. Thankfully, we can be forgiven and cleansed from sin and the things that weigh us down. (I John 1:9 NLT) Indeed confession and repentance is good for the soul!

A couple of times, a few of the plants fell over due to strong winds and not enough weight in the pots to keep them upright. One time, the cucumber plant fell over into the bell pepper plant, which appeared to hurt or damage the pepper plant. It was like a domino effect. Sometimes, we fall down, or get offended by others who fail or fall onto us. Offense does hurt but it is important to let go of the offense as quickly as possible so that it doesn’t grow into a root of bitterness or resentment, which can defile your life and cause all kinds of havoc spiritually and emotionally. Let the Lord set you free from offense. Do not take offense in — do not let it penetrate your heart, as offense can fester and lead to brokenness.

Lastly, enjoy the bounty of the harvest. Psalm 34:8 (AMP) “O taste and see that the Lord (our God) is good; How blessed (fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God) is the man who takes refuge in Him.” Enjoy the Presence of the Lord and the spiritual growth that the Spirit cultivates in you — to be made full and complete and overflowing, so that others can see what a “glorious garden” you have and desire it as well. Time spent with the Lord is never wasted time — it builds us up and may encourage someone else when shared.

I have personally experienced each of these parallels, and I am so grateful for how the Lord shows me spiritual things in everyday life and especially for His healing of brokenness that I have received through connecting with Jesus, so that my spiritual garden can flourish.

I would love to hear how your “spiritual garden” is growing! Share in the comments section.

Let God Interrupt Your Day

Psalm 23:5c – 6a “. . . . My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life. . . “

While shopping at Publix the other day, I saw a friend from church, and I decided quickly to go after her, as I had not seen her in quite a while. She had come into the store, just as I finished paying for my groceries. Angela is one of those gals that you just love being around! She is delightful, fun, beautiful and it is just a joy to be with her. I asked my husband to wait a minute as I wanted to go talk with her. I had to hurry to find her as Angela weaved her cart (I am from the north) throughout the deli department. Finally I saw that it really was her and I greeted her with a big smile (under the mask of course!) We embraced and talked very briefly about her hectic day preparing for a gathering with family members from different states. I prayed a quick blessing over her and her plans and went on my way.

The Lord used that brief encounter with my friend to remind me that He pursues us with his tender love and goodness. I think He delights in spending time with us. I think He goes after us just to get a glimpse of us because He loves us so deeply. I think He wants to connect with us regularly. He created us for relationship with Him. I also think He wants more than a brief encounter with us.

I am learning about prophetic heart healing through a mentorship program through The Prophetic Heart Healing Network, based in southern California, under the leadership of Elise Tarango. I am learning to facilitate heart healing, intercede during a heart healing session and to receive the goodness and overflowing love, joy, peace and healing during a session. It has been a profound experience of connecting with the Lord in conversation with Him, trusting Him and accepting His invitations to interact. He actively engages with me. He is not just an observer nor is He passively involved. His Presence is real.

As I listened to a teaching on intercession, God interrupted my agenda and I had to answer the call to intercede. I stopped in my tracks and listened to that still small voice, while I wrote what I believe He spoke to me. I believe God is inviting us to engage with Him in a deeper way as He has so much love, joy and peace for us, as we experience Him. I think what He gave to me is for others as well. I heard that Papa God is saying that He is not just a weekend dad — He’s a good, good father that wants active engagement with us throughout our day and night. He wants to play with us, create with us, have fun with us, enjoy our company, talk with us and experience life with us. In this encounter with the Lord, I kept hearing His heart for us to be in relationship with Him — to open our hearts, hands and ourselves to receive and accept His invitation to hang out with Him. I sensed that He emphasized that we do not earn His love and that we do not need to perform or strive or do anything! He just wants to be with us! His love for us is beyond comprehension.

I sensed the Lord saying to step into an encounter with Him, as He is the One who loved us from before the beginning of time. He created time, and He created us for relationship with Him for all of eternity. There’s enough time! He has given us 24 hours each day — He is with us at all times. He is here with you now. He is waiting for you to look up, reach out and accept His invitation to talk and listen with Him.

Let Jesus interrupt your day. Let Jesus interrupt your night. Let Jesus interrupt your agenda. Accept His invitation. Take Him by the hand and let Him lead you in the dance of life.

The True Father God is not absent, uninvolved, distracted or distant. He is present, faithful and attentive. He is for you. He is with you. His love is real and everlasting.

My prayer for myself and for anyone who longs to encounter God — May we take time that You gave us to let go of control, or pride or our agenda, and just be together with You, listening to Your voice as You speak tenderly to us. May we lean into the Lord to let Him minister to us, fill us, refresh us and love us.

I pray that we answer His call and let Him interrupt our day.

New Adventures

Written by Vianne Satterfield

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Isaiah 41:10 “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

I suppose it began with a desire to live with more purpose and intention. Maybe it was a mid-life crisis that lead me to questioning my legacy. Whatever the case, as I sat with my friend, Sue at the local pizza place, I told her, “If God really wants me to go back to work in counseling, He had better show me each step of the way, because it is too big for me to accomplish on my own!” (That conversation was pre-Covid, when eating together in restaurants was a normal experience.)

I want to be a good steward of everything I possess – every resource, whether it be a spiritual gift, talent, skill, finances, time, or energy. It became my goal to live out a specific mission statement that I felt the Lord had given to me through a time of connection with Him. It sounds great on paper, however, the reality of stepping out of my comfort zone and into a different and unknown territory — setting up a counseling practice — has been scary. I prefer to be comfortable, however, I am learning to lean into the Lord and trust Him more fully each step towards and into this new territory. Every step has had its challenges along the way, which has required me to totally depend upon the Lord for His help, guidance, wisdom, provision and courage.

The Lord has been there every step of my journey. I believe He began answering my prayer as I spoke about it with my friend, Sue. He helped me to see value in what I can offer to those needing hope and healing. He gave me the name of my business. He lead me to the attorney who would assist me in setting up the business. He helped me learn and navigate the various systems to getting my credentials in place. He lead me to a nearby office space that just happened to be available when I wanted to rent it. He helped me find office furnishings and is helping me market my practice so people can find me online. All because I said “yes” to Jesus’ request that I step outside my comfort zone and into my purposeful life — using all of my gifts, talents, abilities, time and energy to build up and encourage others by offering counseling services to adults seeking hope and healing. (Check out my professional website at

I received education and training in counseling in the late 80’s, and worked as a counselor in a variety of settings until I stopped not long after I married. I kept my LPC license active “just in case” I needed to return to the workplace. I did not expect to ever want to return to counseling — but God works in mysterious ways! I had stepped away from the counseling field fifteen years ago, and volunteered within various intercessory prayer ministries, and wrote for my blog this past year. That had been my comfort zone until I began sensing His leading me back to the counseling field.

The Scriptures pertaining to God’s presence have been my lifeline and my experience as I have taken these steps towards my new identity as a business owner and licensed professional counselor in private practice. His Presence is real. He was there in my past. He is here now and He is there waiting for me. I am incredibly grateful for the people who have encouraged me and prayed with me throughtout this process. My husband is my cheerleader, furniture mover, desk assembler, “I.T.” guy, encourager, supporter and best friend. Momma Margie, Sue, Laurel, Joan, Deborah, Sheri and Pastor Jon listened, prayed and encouraged me when I experienced self-doubt or fear. Diane sent me texts and prayers that helped sustain me. Several others spoke courage into me and believed for me when I could not see the possibilities. Danny Matthews and the Quiet Waters team prophesied about new territories over me in November of 2019 — none of us knew what God had planned and it is now becoming reality. God is so cool — how He weaves together the tapestry of our lives to create something beautiful! I believe God wants this for all of us, if we are willing to partner with Him.

I am experiencing new ways of connecting with Jesus as I take steps towards and within the new territory. In my prayer time, I sense His presence and connection differently. It is peaceful, inviting and filled with joy. I see Him extending His hand of invitation as if He is asking me to dance with Him. I step over the threshold and accept His invitation by taking His hand and partner with Him in this new place.

I share this to encourage you on your journey with God. Let Him lead you into new places of trust. Connect with His Presence today. He is always there to help, guide, support, teach and comfort. I pray you will accept His invitation to connect with Him today. Share in the comments how your journey with God has brought you to new places of trust and adventure.