My Source of Hope

Written by Vianne Satterfield

Romans 5:13 “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.”

This year has been full of change, loss, uncertainty, unrest and challenge for most people, as we have watched the world pivot and adjust to the effects of a tiny virus that has taken the word “normal” out of our vocabulary. Some have experienced change and challenge due to other life-threatening illnesses. Some have lost income, social connections, family and friends, and homes. Many have suffered physically, mentally, financially, socially and spiritually. I too, have had disappointments, loss, cancelled plans, and lots of unknowns. I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a very challenging year.

Yet this year has also been full of courage, endurance, determination, innovation, and learning new ways of working, connecting, worshiping and living life. I appreciate the benefits of technology that allows me to have “tea” with friends, learn new concepts, discuss a book or facilitate a prayer group via Zoom. I have listened to 22 books as I walked my surrounding neighborhood and made new acquaintances of like-minded neighbors. I am taking new courage to step outside my comfort zone to pursue meaningful work as a blogger and counselor. As I remember and honor the lives of those who have passed on, I have new appreciation for each day I am given to make a difference in someone’s life, as I share comfort, compassion and hope.

As my routine shifts, change and uncertainty swirl around me, one key truth remains the same — I can count on my source of hope, found in a relationship with Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Scripture tells us that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. God is faithful. He cannot fail. When I experience anxious thoughts about changes, God’s love pulls me toward Him and His Word, which always gives me hope, encouragement and strengthens my faith. God is faithful and true.

Let us declare that God is the source of our hope, peace and joy! His supply is abundant and sure.

My prayer is that as we trust God, we would indeed be full of hope, peace and joy, so that no matter what the new year brings, we can experience true satisfaction and abundant life in Him. Amen.

BELIEVE: God’s Word Cannot Fail

Written by Vianne Satterfield

Luke 1:37 “For no word from God will ever fail.”

Luke 1:45 “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”

I have been mulling over the Virgin Mary’s faith-filled response to Gabriel, the angel that foretold the birth of Jesus. The story of this birth announcement is found in Luke 1:26-56, and it contains remarkable faith for an impossible situation. Mary is told she will conceive and give birth to a son, whom she is to call Jesus; yet she is a virgin. Mary initially responds with fear then asked the angel to clarify how she could become pregnant. Gabriel tells her the process of this miraculous conception and tells her about her old relative, Elizabeth, who is no longer barren, and preparing to give birth soon. The angel tells Mary of God’s unfailing word. God keeps His promises, even when it looks impossible.

Mary accepts the announcement of Jesus’ birth with humility, trust, faith, obedience and worship. She doesn’t overthink or doubt what the angel tells her. She knows who she is and trusts the word of the Lord. Her response is, “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:38) Mary demonstrates a willingness to serve and to trust with child-like faith. It is no wonder that Mary is described as “highly favored.” God knew who to choose to help fulfill His glorious plan!

How cool it is that God gave Mary and Elizabeth common experiences to share for support and encouragement. They both experienced miraculous encounters and they both carried sons that had specific God-ordained destinies. Mary and Elizabeth did not have to walk their journeys alone; they encouraged one another, celebrated and worshiped God together. Their interactions confirmed the presence of the Holy Spirit and the blessings of believing God.

My prayer for followers of Christ is that we would be found highly favored by God because we are humble, willing to obey, and believe God’s Word, trusting Him to fulfill His promises to us. I pray we would not doubt God, and would accept our God-given assignments with child-like faith, knowing our identity and security is found in Christ. I pray we would be willing to give and receive encouragement from like-minded ones on our faith journey. I pray we would believe God for the impossible and know He specializes in working miracles, creating all things out of nothing, and making a way where there seems to be no way.

What promises have God given to you? I encourage you to believe God to fulfill every promise, especially when it seems impossible. Remember: Nothing is impossible with God. What assignment have you received? Trust Him today that He will enable and empower you to serve Him fully. Be blessed as you believe God’s word and promises.

Lessons From Adversity

Written by Vianne Satterfield

James 1:2-4 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

This year has been filled with all kinds of adversity for most people. Believers, God’s people, are not exempt from trials of many kinds. We all have either experienced trouble or know someone who is experiencing trouble. People do not generally enjoy the process of illness, failure, loss, family problems, emotional upheaval, disappointment, etc. Yet, this passage encourages believers to have a joyful attitude when facing trials.

Joy is not our typical reaction to adversity. Frustration, upset, sadness, anger — yes, those are the typical reactions to trouble. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, therefore, it is a supernatural response that is cultivated only by being empowered by God’s Spirit. Having an attitude of joy sets us up to be able to handle the trial with faith, believing that God will sustain us, help us endure the trial, and mature us along the way.

How do we consider it “pure joy” when facing trials of many kinds? We believe God’s Word. We choose to allow God to teach us the lessons of adversity. We focus on the end of the trial, knowing that one day, ‘This too shall pass.’ We prayerfully ask God to show us what He wants to accomplish through the trial. I would rather be in alignment with God while facing trials, then not be in alignment with God while facing trials. When God allows trials to come your way, see it as an opportunity to become more refined.

When I have a joyful attitude about trials or trouble, it gives me hope that God is up to something. He is working something out! I can believe that adversity can lead to opportunity for growth both spiritually and emotionally. Adversity can lead to a closer, more intimate relationship with the Lord. Adversity can and often exposes areas in your life that need healing or refining, which ultimately lead to spiritual maturity and wholeness.

As an example, I will share from my own experience of a trial that has repeatedly occurred. (My trial is tiny in comparison to others facing difficult illnesses and loss of family members, however, my trial has exposed areas in my mind and heart that need refining and healing.) Each time the trial occurs, I learn and grow spiritually because I am willing to ask the Lord to reveal what He wants to teach me through the trial. Perhaps someone can relate to this example. For that reason, I will share it.

I have made financial mistakes or have forgotten to pay a bill that has resulted in charges or interest added to the bill. I routinely pay my bills on time, so this is an unusual circumstance. When this occurs, I would berate myself or call myself ‘stupid.’ 🙂 That had been my automatic reaction. This kind of mistake occurred again — except it was the IRS that was complaining. Uh oh. Sigh. More trial, and more opportunity to learn from adversity. I asked God what He wanted to teach me through this. I really want to pass this test! My lessons include the following:

Having self-compassion; practicing kindness and grace towards myself; accepting mistakes as part of being a human and recognizing the value of mistakes in the learning process; being present in the now, rather than living in the past (regret or sadness), or living in the future (anxiety or fear); not allowing failure to define me (I may have failed, but I am not a failure); recognize that perfection is over-rated and not possible, but rather work towards excellence in my pursuits; immediately address the issue.

I am choosing to let perseverance finish the work that God is doing in me as I count it all joy, partner with Him and learn the lessons of adversity.

As you face trials of many kinds, be encouraged that God is up to something in your life! Choose to believe God’s Word is true and prayerfully ask Him to show you what He wants to teach you. Be willing to learn and become more spiritually mature as you trust Him in your trials.