Six Simple Yet Powerful Words

My pastor leads people to Christ, whether for the first time or the hundredth time, with a simple prayer, “Jesus, I give you my life.” I have repeated this prayer dozens of times as part of corporate and private worship.

Today is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the Lent season, the six-week period of prayer and fasting leading up to Easter. As I reflect on this season, this simple prayer echos in my mind.

“Jesus, I give you my life,” is a prayer of acknowledgement and recognizing Jesus as Savior. Jesus is God’s love gift to the world. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” It is recognizing we need a Savior, because “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23). The penalty of sin is death, but Jesus took all sin (past, present and future) upon him, so we could have eternal life.

“Jesus, I give you my life,” is a prayer of surrender and submission. It is giving up our rights to holding onto whatever action, thought, word or attitude that might be holding us captive or in bondage to the world’s way. It is opening our hands, minds and hearts to God’s way of living. We let go and release it to Jesus. We let go of trying to control our lives and ask him to take the lead in our lives. We obey his Word and His leading, even when it is inconvenient or contrary to what we prefer. We surrender our will for His will.

“Jesus, I give you my life,” is a prayer of dedication. We recognize Jesus as our Lord, because we give him permission to lead, and guide our lives as he resides within us. Our lives become a reflection of the character of Christ — his love, his forgiveness, his grace, his way, not our way.

“Jesus, I give you my life,” is a prayer of dependence as we see our need for him to save, rescue, deliver, heal, provide, lead and guide. We lean on and trust God’s Holy Spirit to fill and empower us to live a life that reflects him, as we know we cannot do this without His Spirit.

“Jesus, I give you my life,” is a prayer of devotion as we love Jesus and express our love to him in prayer, connecting to him through reading and chewing on Scripture, worshiping him as a lifestyle, not just a weekend event. We do what he says and take him at his word, believing him to be trustworthy.

Jesus gave his life for you and me. Our response is to give our lives back to him. As followers of Christ, we have been marked by his amazing love, forgiveness and grace. May our lives reflect this truth as we choose Christ each and every day.

Whether you have prayed, “Jesus, I give you my life,” one time or dozens of times, I pray it will be a prayer of acknowledgement, surrender, dedication, dependence and devotion, as you reflect on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and what he means for your eternity and destiny.

7 replies on “Six Simple Yet Powerful Words”

  1. Thank you for today’s post. I’ve never thought of pastor’s request to repeat “Jesus, I give you my life.” as more than what he asks from us in that moment. It’s so much more!! Thank you.

    1. Yes! I know this prayer is intended for those “disconnected” to God, however, this simple prayer has blessed me and continues to lead me to Christ.

  2. Thank you for the anointed words that the Lord gives you. ” Jesus, I give my life to you.” Be Lord of my life each day, use me in winning souls for you and to be a blessings to others.

  3. This post made me aware that today is Ash Wednesday, leading to Easter, the Resurrection of our Savior and Lord. When in Sam’s Club today, I noted two people with ash (charcoal) crosses on forehead, which again reminded me of the sacredness of this season. Somewhere between Ash Wednesday and Easter is the Cross – “Jesus, I give You my life” – you gave no less for me!

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