Written by Vianne Satterfield

Galatians 5:22-23 NLT “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!”

Psalm 16:11 NLT “You will show me the way of life, granting to me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.”

Nehemiah 8:10 NLT “. . . Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

The Lord has been cultivating His joy in me, as I have been discovering my identity as a carrier of His joy that breaks the yoke of bondage and brings healing. He is showing me His joy is a weapon that takes out darkness, despair and discouragement. His joy is contagious! His joy is not based upon circumstances — it is grown in the secret place of connection with Jesus by receiving His love, releasing all that doesn’t belong in me and walking in the fullness of His gifts for me. You too can receive and walk in the fullness of His JOY. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength.

Several weeks ago, I received an odd request from one of my intercessor friends. She asked me to record my laughter and send the audio to her. She spoke a word of encouragement to me that day in May 2021 — that my laughter is anointed of God to bring joy to those who hear it. I followed through with the request. I sat in my office and laughed aloud — I even snorted and had a belly laugh as I recorded it. I sent the audio of my laughter to my friend. She shared it with her friend, then another friend wanted to hear it. Soon, several people heard about the laughter audio and requested to hear it. My laughter audio has “traveled” to Tennessee, Ohio, New York, Florida, Massachuesets, California, Georgia and Kentucky. I am laughing now just thinking about this odd request!

Let the joy of the Lord splash onto you. Click for the laughter audio. https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/xfaSmS5gvwVJ

Yet, joy and laughter chases away gloom and sadness. Levity is my gift from the Lord that I received through spending time connecting with Jesus — talking to Him and using my imagination to experience His Presence in my memories and my day to day life. Hanging out with Jesus is FUN! Along the way I have gathered some props that reflect the Lord’s work in my heart that has brought healing and SO MUCH JOY! The props include a Hawaiian lei, pineapple shaped yellow sunglasses, a tiara, funny teeth, a light up microphone and bubble blowing toys. Sometimes I wear or use the items on Zoom calls when I facilitate and intercede inner healing sessions. Sometimes I wear the items when I meet with people in person. It might be an unusual attire, however, it represents the healing and wholeness that I have received from the Lord and I cannot contain the joy! It must be shared!

Recently, I had the opportunity to not only experience the joy of the Lord, but to also CHOOSE JOY in the hard places of life – health concerns of friends and family whom have been significantly impacted by infection and disease. By placing the lei around my neck and wearing my silly sunglasses, it reminded me that I can choose joy. Do not allow difficult circumstances rob you of the joy or peace that is yours. Activate the joy of the Lord as you trust Him in every situation.

Job 8:21 reminds me that joy can return despite difficult places — “He will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.” Let the joy of the Lord be what strengthens you in times of hardship, difficulty or trial. Rely on His strength to get you through the valley. Practice joy and appreciation each day — say “Thank you Lord for letting me partner with You in the assignment of the day — whether it is herding a frightened cat, managing a busy family life, or ________.”

4 replies on “The JOY Anointing”

  1. Choosing JOY is a discipline that seems forever teachable regardless of age or how long one has walked with the Lord. I love the idea of what may seem to be “simple” or even “silly” props, that in my case, will remind me to not take myself so seriously and allow myself to Take Joy in the Lord!

  2. Thank you for sharing Gal. 5-22-23 and Job 8-21 on the fruits of the spirit and the encouraging words on laughter and joy.

  3. Oh my gosh this is so good. You are so anointed in your writing and your laughter is annoying I remember when we all used to get together and we would snort and oh my goodness gracious and your laughter is just so contagious.

  4. Vienna Satterfield this is awesome! Holy Spirit gets us drunk in the Lord, Hallelujah!

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