Thirst Quencher

Psalm 42:1-2 “As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. . . . .”

Matthew 5:6 “God blesses those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.”

The other evening, my husband and I walked 2.5 miles, and I experienced great thirst. Every step of the way home, I thought about the strawberry lemonade and coconut water that was waiting for me in the refrigerator. I could picture it in my mind and knew that soon I would be refreshed and my thirst would be quenched.

This experience reminded me of the longing for connection with God and how being in a relationship with Him by the power of the Holy Spirit, brings complete satisfaction and joy, especially when spiritually hungry or thirsty. Sometimes when I have been in a spiritual “desert or wilderness,” I have spiritual dryness especially when I miss practicing His Presence consistently or when I strive to please Him. More and more I am discovering and rediscovering that true spiritual satisfaction comes from being in God’s Presence and less from doing something for God.

There is satisfaction and fulfillment when I “eat” or meditate on God’s Word and “drink” from the well of Holy Spirit, as I sit in His Presence, whether in prayer or meditation on Scripture or singing worship songs. Perhaps my natural experience of being thirsty and dehydrated correlates to my spiritual need to drink living water, by engaging in spirit to Spirit connection, through prayer with and to Holy Spirit.

When I am physically dehydrated, I feel thirsty, weak and I have no energy. If the dehydration is severe, it can result in fainting, vomiting, seizure activity and electrolyte imbalance. Just as I need to regularly and consistently drink water daily, I also need spiritual refreshment and hydration through consistent communication with Holy Spirit. Keeping well hydrated in the spiritual sense keeps a good balance and keeps me in tune with Holy Spirit, which helps me function well and not be faint spiritually.

Communicating and connecting with Holy Spirit is vital. Without this regular connection, I could die spiritually and lose power. My power source comes from being in His Presence and time spent communing with Holy Spirit.

Sometimes I need more water when I am exercising in hot and dry conditions or when my body is fighting an infection or is ill in some way. Likewise, drinking from the well of Holy Spirit is a form of spiritual warfare as this is a weapon to help me in the battle.

God’s Word + Holy Spirit connection = true satisfaction and empowered living. This is key for the ongoing cultivation of a growing relationship with God.

What’s your spiritual thirst quencher?

One reply on “Thirst Quencher”

  1. We serve an awesome God, whatever our needs are weather it be spiritual, physical or whatever the need is He can do all things.
    Thank you for the encouraging words.

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