Trust and Worship God in the Battle

2 Chronicles 20:20 “Early in the morning they left for the Desert of Tekoa. As they set out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, “Listen to me, Judah and people of Jerusalem! Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.”

2 Chronicles 20:1-30 describe how King Jehoshaphat responded to the threat of a vast enemy and as a result how God defeated the enemy in an unconventional way — through worship. This story depicts their complete trust and confidence in God by their humility, prayer, fasting, praise and worship, and by following His strategy, God defeated the enemy and they won the battle.

As I meditated on this story, I identified dozens of prayer points, as it is rich with wisdom and truth that can be applied to our own lives. First of all, Jehoshaphat and his people acknowledged their powerlessness and need by humbling themselves, asking for God’s help in prayer and fasting. They recognized God as mighty and powerful and reminded God of His promises to them. They looked to God for guidance.

Secondly, they listened and trusted the strategies given to them were God-ordained. They didn’t doubt, question, wonder or fret about the strategy. They trusted in God’s ways and they had faith in God to deliver them from their enemy before it arrived. They walked in faith and had courage to face the enemy while they expected God’s presence (only because God told them He would go with them.) They believed God, His Word and acted upon it in faith.

Thirdly, they worshiped and praised God enthusiastically, with a loud voice. This prepared them to face the enemy with courage. They marched toward the enemy with singers that sang songs and praised the Lord, then they gave thanks to the Lord for his enduring love.

They had not even seen the enemy yet. They didn’t talk about the enemy or how the enemy would limit, stop, harass, or oppress them. Nope. They didn’t do any of that because their eyes were turned to God! Their response to the threat of this enemy was to turn to God, pray, fast, trust, believe, praise, give thanks and worship. THAT is how their enemy was defeated. They didn’t rely upon their own resources or own strength.

They believed that the battle was God’s battle and He would see them through. They took their positions and believed God’s Word and worshiped Him. Scripture tells us that as they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the enemy, and the enemy was defeated.

When our eyes are turned to God, our response is to worship Him for Who he is and for His enduring love. God’s strategies for battle may be unconventional yet very powerful as we trust Him and His ways.

I don’t know what battle you are facing today or will be facing tomorrow. I do know this: God is worthy of our trust and praise. Look to Him. Have faith that God will bring deliverance before you see it. And worship Him for who He is. He is holy, just, good, righteous, faithful, loving, gracious, compassionate, mighty and powerful.

Watch and see what He will do, as you trust and worship Him.

3 replies on “Trust and Worship God in the Battle”

  1. Thank you for the encouraging words of faith and trust in the Lord.

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