Trusting God During Battle

A passage of Scripture found in I Chronicles 5:18-22, describes an army ready and equipped for military service, who waged war against known enemies, and received help and victory because they cried out and trusted in God during the battle. The Bible describes them as capable, skilled, armed and trained for battle. They were considered competent warriors, yet they received help in fighting their enemies. God answered their prayers, because they trusted in him. Their enemies were defeated as it became God’s battle. These warriors then occupied the new territory, celebrating their victory.

The world is fighting a war called COVID-19, and you may be fighting other personal battles — whether they be physical, psychological, mental, financial, or spiritual, to name a few. Fighting battles can be overwhelming and exhausting, especially when they are fought without relying upon God’s power and strength. That is why prayer and worshiping God is vital to fighting battles — whether it is your own battle or someone else’s battle.

As an intercessor, I am privileged to intercede for the many needs of others. The load could become heavy if I relied upon my ability to carry the prayer requests; instead, I worship God as I intercede for others. My focus shifts from the awful need to the awesome Healer, Provider, Comforter, Way-Maker, and Source of everything. I remind God of His promises as I pray His Word, believing and trusting in Him.

We are called to be warriors, not worriers, in the place of battle. We are called to be ready and equipped for spiritual battle, to have access to God’s weapons of warfare, knowing that we can “put on the full armor of God”, as described in Ephesians 6:10-18. We can “be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” Ephesians 6:10.

We are called to cry out to God and trust in Him during battle. As we admit we need God’s help, we yield and submit to Him, asking for wisdom, strength, empowerment, and help. This is on-the-job-training — He equips us as we seek Him. God is able to change the circumstance and He changes us as we trust Him in prayer and worship, while fighting the battle.

Be encouraged today as you trust God in the battle.

5 replies on “Trusting God During Battle”

  1. Hi Vianne,

    This is so timely. I just had a conversation with Colette on this weekend concerning her having victory over worry. I forwarded this to her and I believe it will be a blessing for her. Thank you for your obedience.

    God Bless you,

    1. Lisa, thank you for passing this along to Colette, and I trust it will be a source of encouragement for many.

  2. This was very uplifting for me. I printed it and put with my other readings for future encouragement.

    1. Barbara,
      Thank you for sharing that! The battle truly belongs to the Lord.

  3. Vianne,
    Thank you for the encouraging words. Prayer and trusting God to fight our battles is the only way to go. I am so thankful to have a God that can do for us what we can not do for ourselves.

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