Trusting in God’s Strength and Power

Psalm 28:7 “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy, and I will give thanks to Him in song.”

I write a journal to record my devotional time, prayer needs and thoughts, as I interact with the Lord. Many times, the wisdom and revelation that I received, turned into a word of encouragement that I shared with others. This continued for many years, and then, it became more difficult to write the words of encouragement. I fell into a pattern of only seeking the Lord when I needed something from Him! I felt anxious about not hearing from Him in ways I had before. My spiritual life seemed to get stale and I felt spiritually dry. At times, I felt a sense of desperation, as I longed to connect to God, not just to please someone else or fulfill a duty. I had fallen into the trap of self-reliance, which could only get me so far, in order to please someone or accomplish something. Seeking the Lord became a chore rather than a delight.

Can anyone relate to this?

I share this true story to remind us that as followers of Christ, we need Holy Spirit to dwell within us, to be continually filled with God’s Holy Spirit, so that we rely upon His strength and empowerment. We can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. We must remember that our strength comes from above and relying upon Him and trusting in Him is key to this delightful relationship with God.

When I awaken in the early morning hours, I hear six simple words that echo in my mind, and it causes me to reflect on the past 10 months of my journey to renewed hope. It is this: “Let Holy Spirit reign in you!”

This is a reminder to me and all who desire an authentic relationship with the Living God. Let Holy Spirit reign in you. Allow and invite Holy Spirit to take up residence within your life. Let Him be ruler and let Him be the Leader in your mind, will and emotions. Take to Him everything that troubles you or concerns you. Ask for His guidance. Ask for His help. Ask for His provision. Ask for His direction. Ask for His comfort. Ask for His healing. I believe He will answer in a very powerful way.

On June 12, 2019, during a Wednesday evening service at Mount Paran North, I trusted Holy Spirit’s direction and I received a fresh deposit that has given me renewal, refreshment, healing and hope. This resulted in a deeper trust as I allowed Him to take up residence and let Him rule, instead of me doing things my way. The stale and spiritual dryness is gone as I have experienced anew the living waters found in an authentic relationship with the Living God, through the power of the Holy Spirit. This was just the beginning of a new chapter in my journey with God.

I trust that you will discover as I have again, that He is faithful and will do all that He does best — lead, guide, teach, help and comfort.

Let Holy Spirit reign in you!

6 replies on “Trusting in God’s Strength and Power”

  1. Vianne, I’m amazed at how you’re grown in your love of the Lord. So thankful you have learn how to release the Holy Spirit that dwells in-you.Its is the Anointing of the Lord that so revealing your love of God through your writings to the reader..
    Sending you my Love and Prayers 🤗❤️ Phil:1:6

    1. Margie,
      I so appreciate your feedback, encouragement and prayers. Love you too.

  2. Hi Vianne,
    What a refreshing word, to be renewed in the Lord each day and continue having a deeper walk with Him and asking Him to always be Lord of our lives.

    1. Joan,
      This reminds me of the chorus, “Trust and obey. For there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” Thank you for your feedback and support.

  3. Hi Vianne
    Love love love this post. I have this scripture tattooed on my leg because he is my strength and shield and I constantly remind myself to allow the Holy Spirit to go b4 me in my daily life. Thanks For the words of encouragement.

    1. Hi Denise,
      Next time I see you, I’d like to see your tattoo! 🙂

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