Using Your Senses to Understand Message

Proverbs 23:12 “Pay close attention to the teaching that corrects you, and open your heart to every word of instruction.” TPT

Isaiah 11:2 “And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him — the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.” NLT

Luke 17:6 “The Lord answered, “If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘May you be uprooted and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you!”

At the risk of looking like a “weirdo,” I will share how the Lord has been growing my faith to believe that He can communicate with me through all of my senses. I pray with people to have their spiritual eyes and ears opened to the Holy Spirit as I hold space for them to connect with the Trinity — Papa God (which makes me smile as I write this, because I have come into a precious connection with my heavenly Father in recent weeks), Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit. Occasionally, someone will smell something during prayer — such as a flower — to communicate something special to the person. Several years ago, the Lord allowed me to smell lavender while praying and resting in Him. There was no plant or flower in my house, yet I smelled lavender. It was as if the Lord was playing a game with me because the smell caused me to learn about lavender tea, which brought relaxation to me after I drank a few cups of it.

For the past year I have battled a chronic cough that has baffled me and the doctors that have tried to treat it. None of the 5 medications (allergy and asthma meds) have taken the cough completely away — it has been a most frustrating experience to receive healthcare in a pandemic. Of course, I have been prayed for and I pray for the Lord to give me His wisdom, insight, understanding and revelation knowledge so that I can be free from this harassment. The cough has at times prevented me from using my voice while in a prayer session or counseling appointment.

Early last year I began to smell garlic when I got into my truck. At first, I thought my husband and I had forgotten leftovers in the back seat, so we looked throughout the vehicle and nothing was found. Throughout the entire year, I periodically smelled pungent garlic when I got into the truck. I googled “why people smell pungent smells” and learned about an experience of a woman who smelled sewer smells for over a decade. Alrighty then! That was not terribly encouraging to me. I began to believe that smelling garlic in my truck was “my new normal.” So I told myself to ignore the smell and hopefully it would go away. 🙂 That didn’t work either!

Then one late December Sunday morning, as we were driving to church and I was smelling garlic along the way, I got a little nudge from Holy Spirit to have enough faith to believe the garlic smell was a message to me from Him — to believe that garlic could benefit my immune system. I purchased garlic supplements that day and have been using the product almost one month. I no longer smell garlic when I get into my vehicle and my cough has lessened.

I am learning to simply trust the Lord as He communicates in many different ways. Sometimes He gives me knowledge by showing me something in a dream — the Lord told me in a dream that my husband would be retiring earlier than planned. I dreamed that Rick’s car on his side of the garage was very tiny — like a smart car. I have known for many years when the Lord shows me something about a vehicle, it usually is related to life or ministry. That is the language He uses with me. Rick did retire earlier than planned — and he is enjoying the freedom to do whatever he wants to do whenever he wants to do it!

Now He is inviting me to trust Him more fully with other senses as He communicates His messages to me. Do you have enough faith to listen, look or smell whatever the Lord is communicating to you? I would love to hear about your experiences or encounters with the Lord as He communicates in unusual ways. Please consider sharing in the comments section or by connecting with me at

2 replies on “Using Your Senses to Understand Message”

  1. Hi Vianne. I love how God speaks to us as individuals. For me, it is through Bob Marley songs. It didn’t happen for a few months so I thought it was just for a season. Then I received a prophetic prayer in PHH and had laughter in the midst of sadness as a Bob Marley song bubbled up within me right while she was still praying. I can share with you. It’s about a situation of ‘justice’ for me and the word was about a gavel but she couldn’t think of this “gavel” word so she said “hammer”. The song in Jesus terms was that “He’s holding me, won’t let go” I need a hammer a hammer a hammer to hammer them down. The song is called, Hammer. Anyway, I love this intimacy we have with him and it was good to hear yours.

  2. I usually hear the Lord’s voice, see with my spiritual eyes, or get a sense of just knowing.
    Now about that garlic; it isn’t easier and the taste is almost too much to bare, but you get way more out of it, if you take fresh garlic, instead of garlic in a capsule. The health benefits you get from natural garlic, far exceeds the benefits of it in tablet or capsule form. When they process the garlic and put it into pill form, it diminishes most of its natural benefits.
    Just sayin..

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